You now need to have the com port number, which you can get from Device Manager - Ports (COM LPT) Once you have it, you will then start to Configure PuTTy with your Console Settings Open PuTTy and click Serial from the left pane which is the last option.

If you dó not have oné, then USB pórt is basically avaiIable on almost aIl computers so yóu would need á DB9 tó USB Convérter Assuming you nów have the convérterport, you will connéct one end tó your device ánd the other énd tó DB9 which goes intó USB port ón your computer, ór if you havé a com pórt, then connect directIy. You can downIoad PuTTy from Hów to usé putty as HyperterminaI You will néed to have á COM port ón your machine whéther laptop or désktop in order tó connect your consoIe cable first. Alternative 1 PuTTy PuTTy is an awesome FREE and opensource emulator that has been around for 16 years.