Ace Converter converts DXF to G-code, license GNU GPL, written in Borland C++ and Windows binaries are provided.
CNC Code Generator converts DXF to NC code (G&M), license GPL v2, it is a Java program so most probably is cross-platform.It is only a CLI tool written in C# so most probably only for Windows OpenSCAD2CNC which directly converts OpenSCAD scripts to toolpath.dmap2gcode: converts depth maps to G-Code using image-to-gcode, license GPL v3, is written in Python and Windows executables are provided.dxf2gcode or here the grbl compatible: reads 2D drawings dxf, pdf/ps and generates G-code, license GPL v3, cross-platform, it includes visual simulation.P圜AM: reads STL (binary/ascii), DXF, SVG, PS/EPS and generates G-code, license GPL v3, cross-platform Windows/macOS/Linux, it also has the simulation.These are the software which takes the CAD file and then generate the tool-path in machine language. SVGnest A browser-based vector nesting tool.Some software can directly read 2D formats like SVG and DXF too.

These are the languages most of CNC/NC controllers can read: I'm going to just list everything I have found and then maybe you guys can share others: Machine languages: I have previously listed all the available CAD options here or if you are interested in indirect code-based design here. Besides for scientists and researchers, they do not provide much freedom to tinker around. Sadly the world of CAM/CNC is dominated by proprietary software which costs hobbyists and students a lot. Piracy of any kind is not permitted and may cause a permanent ban Other subreddits you may be interested in: Meme posts that are not funny may result in a permanent ban and possible curse to post author. Memes are not permitted, unless they are CNC related AND funny. Please use the stickied sales and services megathread. Sales and or services posts are not permitted. Final decision is made by the community by way of reporting. Other considerations that may cause the removal of the post including lack of engagement with the community or the author has a history of self promotion. Posts that do not meet this criteria will be removed without question. Posts of self promotion MUST include original content directly from the post author and have been created with reasonable effort. Name calling or belittling will not be tolerated and may result in a permanent ban. Please be respectful of others when posting. If it appears the author has done little or no research it may be removed for low effort. Posters are also expected to have done some basic research on their own. Post authors are required to stay engaged with the community. Any posts without this information may be removed and only restored when the information is supplemented. You must include as much useful information as possible when asking for help or advice. Examples of this include unsafe instructions and unsafe modes of machine operation. No posts or comments that encourages unsafe acts.